EPISODE 110 – Embracing & Embodying Your Strengths With Stephani Lucas
Episode Transcription
INTRO 00:08
This is the Ultimate Advisor podcast, the podcast for financial advisors who want to create a thriving, successful and scalable practice. Each week we’ll uncover the ways that you can improve your referrals, your team, your marketing, and your business operations, helping you to level up your advising practice, bring in more assets, and to create the advising practice that you’ve dreamed of. You’ll be joined by our hosts Bryan Sweet, who is moving fast towards a billion dollars in assets under management, Brittany Anderson, the driving force for advisors looking to improve their operations and company culture, and Draye Redfern who can help you systematize and automate your practices marketing to effortlessly attract new clients. So what do you say? Let’s jump in to another amazing episode of the Ultimate Advisor podcast.
Brittany Anderson 01:07
Welcome back to your Ultimate Advisor podcast. Brittany Anderson here today with a very special guest. Today we have Mrs. Stephani Lucas with us, Stephani, welcome. Hello, thank you for being here. Thank you for having me. It’s such a pleasure. Well, this is going to be a fun and interesting conversation for our advisor audience. I have been chomping at the bit waiting to have this official conversation and be able to share your genius and your expertise with our advisor audience. So I am going to share a little bit of background about Stephani. She is the Founder and CEO of the Annuity Consultants, which is a boutique FMO that she founded back in 2010. So she’s been in the game for a while. This particular company specializes in annuities, life insurance, disability income, long term care and asset based long term care. She’s also the Co-founder and CFO of a lifestyle brand is Spiritual Masochist. After almost 20 years in the insurance or financial sector, she grew frustrated by the lack of depth and egocentric business practices, which I think at this point some of us have definitely experienced and seeing it. So out of her passion to change the industry. from the inside out, she launched the Heart Centered Planning Series, a series of guides and webinars that focus on the transformative value that mindfulness and meditation can have for your business and daily life. She holds a bachelor’s degree in International Business with a focus on Leadership and Management with a dual degree in Marketing from Arizona State University, WP Carey School of Business. And she lives in her lovely home in Austin, Texas. So now that we got the formalities out of the way, I would love Stephani, for you to just talk a little bit about your story, your journey, how you got into the industry, if you could just elaborate kind of on your path so far.
Stephani Lucas 03:11
Yeah, yeah. Thanks. And thanks again, for having me. I’m super excited to have this conversation. So I have been in the business for almost 20 years. And I got into it really, I was in real estate working out of an apartment complex in Scottsdale, Arizona. And I had a gentleman and his wife living there that owned a FMO. And when they were building their home, they decided after they built their house, they turn in their keys, and they were like, hey, you’ve really made us feel like we were at home here. So we want you to come work for us. And at that point, you know, I’m like 20, 21 years old. And they’re like, we know, you probably don’t even know how to spell annuity. And I was like, No, you’re right. No idea. No idea what that is. So, you know, they brought me into the business. I did okay with them. But it wasn’t jiving. And I then, you know, posted my resume on monster and got picked up by another company. And this company really took me under, the owner, he took me under his wing and taught me like the marketing aspect of the business, which was very important. And with him, I really grew and became just loved what I was doing. I love the analytical side, I love all that goes into the planning process, which I nerd out on the numbers, right and so but like, Oh, I get it, I love the marketing. I love you know, the aspect of helping fill this gap that, you know, some portfolios unfortunately have until they get to know what’s available, right. So after working for multiple FMOs throughout my career, I worked in all areas of the business, contracting and licensing, processing, recruiting, marketing, all the things, right. And I really did become frustrated with what was happening. And, you know, I’ve worked for these companies that call themselves marketing organizations, but they didn’t really do a whole lot for the agents and advisors. And so I was like, Okay, I’m going to start my own company, and I’m going to help them actually do the marketing and help them brand and help them get in front of clients and do all these things that nobody else was really doing at that time, you know, so I went and started the annuity consultants almost 11 years ago now, which is crazy, I can’t believe it’s been that long. But in that time, I really was on this destructive path. Because what we do in this industry is like wining and dining people, and like, I kind of fell into this, like, unfortunate drinking habits, because I was taking people out all the time. And so I got to the point in 2013, where I saw that, like, my business was doing better than it ever was, but my body was not. And I felt terrible. And I wasn’t really taking care of myself, I was taking care of my business, I was working in the business, like 18 hours a day. And I was like, working this, like real grind. And so I was making more money, but I was the most unhappy, and I couldn’t continue on that way. So in 2008, or 2013, I decided to get sober. And when I got sober, that changed everything, it was like a complete game changer, it took me a minute to like, get my bearings, because like making that kind of switches is really difficult. And I know a lot of people deal with things like that, you know, and it’s not easy. And so thankfully, I had a lot of people that were committed to working with me, regardless if I was doing that or not, right. And so I was able to continue doing business and really finding my way and, and becoming successful in a different way. And that’s when, you know, the mindfulness and healthy living, and all of these different things started coming into play, where I was like, Oh, my gosh, I need to do these things for myself, in order to give my best to this business, and to the people that I work with. And for. And so I started really honing these skills, and implementing them into my daily life and finding more balance within what I was doing in my business and my life. And then I realized that a lot of the people I worked with, were also in that same situation, they may not necessarily have been addicts, or you know, but they had this like, constant need to work and make more and make more It was like, well, what’s that money worth? If you’re not enjoying your life, you know, and so fast forward to let’s see, It was 2019 that I was in Bali, and I, I was doing a meditation. And this whole thing came to me as a download, if you will, where it was like, you need to create this Heart Centered Planning. And I was like, What does that even mean? Like, what am I supposed to do, but it has to be for the Insurance and Financial industry. And you really need to, like help them change from the inside out. I’m like, that’s a really big job. Like, you know, is that is that really what I’m supposed to be doing? But at that point, I was kind of in this is this kind of like, love hate relationship with the industry because I was, I love what I do. But I wasn’t in love with like all the people I was working with and and what I was attracting, right. And so I decided, alright, I’m going to listen to this. And I came back from Bali with like, you know, fresh, fresh head and felt really like good about what I was going to start creating. And they came to my team. And I was like, hey, I want to create this. What do you guys think? And everybody’s like, Oh, yes, this is amazing. Like, let’s do it. And what was cool is my team not only had like the corporate background, but they had that mindful background, like my content person worked in the corporate world forever. But she had a yoga certification. And she taught yoga part time, and my graphics design and web guy, he had been in Silicon Valley working for like Yahoo, and these big, you know, companies and, but he had been doing this kind of work for, you know, 20 plus years. So it was like, they had that, you know, corporate and the mindfulness and it was like a perfect marriage of people to create with, to do this with you know, and so I started kind of outlining what it was going to be about, and we started putting it all together. And then February of 2020. we released our first guide in the series, and so it’s an eight piece series that is eight principles to live and work by in order to create the business and life of your dreams, basically. So so I could give you everything if you would follow what I have to say. So… So February 14 of 2020, that first guide, and we weren’t even shooting for February 14, it just so happened that on Valentine’s Day, our heart centered planning series like was birthed. And then I realized that, okay, I have these guides, and this great content. But nobody’s looking for it. Nobody’s you know, and I’m putting it out there. And I’m getting disappointed by like, the results. And I’m like, Okay, what can we do? So I started this webinar series that basically I handpick people that I believe are experts in each of these principles, and I interview them. And because these principles are such, you know, there’s so much to it, I’m now on my second season, because everybody’s perspective on these principles is different. So I can, you know, interview other interesting people around these topics and bring like incredible content to the industry, to help people live happier and healthier and attract the kind of people that they want to be working with. So like, the whole point of it is, like, the importance of building community and really building a community around you, that is like an ecosystem to feed your life and your business. So and that’s what I’m doing. I’m attracting like minded individuals that want to do business with me, that live by these principles that are willing to put this kind of work in and do things differently. And, you know, just really changed the way things have been done. So I don’t want to go into like, you know, my rant on what’s wrong with the industry, because there’s a lot of good stuff. But yeah.
Brittany Anderson 12:01
I think you bring up so many interesting points there. And I think one thing that’s interesting about you, and in particular, is just your whole approach. And one thing, you know, we talked a little bit before we hit the record button today about the importance of attract and repel in your business, and how, you know, sometimes it can be a little painful when you get some of those repel things happen, because not everybody is going to be completely aligned with your message. And that’s something that, you know, if you’re an advisor listening to this, and you’ve been with us on this podcast journey for a while now, you know that we talk a lot about differentiation, you know, that we talk a lot about making sure that you are defining your definition of success and not living off of anybody else’s. And I think that’s really what you’ve done here. And what’s so beautiful about this topic, but also, I think what’s gonna happen is the advisor that’s listening to this, that’s going, you know, what I am sick and tired of being in the whirlwind, I am tired of feeling like I have to be handcuffed to my desk, I’m tired of feeling like I have to, you know, work those 16-18 hour days, and I’m missing things with my family, and my relationships outside of my business are falling apart or non existent. So I think as an advisor listening to this, if you’re in that place, this is all so completely relevant. So I want to take a minute to go down this particular path, because we don’t typically, or haven’t talked a lot on this topic. And I think that it’s just, it’s so good. And it’s so what you’re all about and what you’ve built this on. So I would love for you to share Stephani a little bit about why mindfulness, why yoga, why meditation, why all of those things are important to this. And I want the listener listening in to really come into this with an open mind. You know, sometimes you start talking yoga, or you talk meditation. People are like, Woah,
Stephani Lucas 13:55
Brittany Anderson 13:56
This is not for me. But I think that the story, the message and what the result of it is, is so important and so powerful. So can you talk a little bit about that?
Stephani Lucas 14:05
Yeah, absolutely. So, you know, being mindful and incorporating yoga and meditation into my daily life has really helped me connect to myself in a way that is not like any other, right? So it allows me to listen to my body, and really be able to be present with the people that I’m working with. You know, if I’m on a phone call, or I’m on a zoom, like, you’re my focus, right, nothing else is going to get in the way of that. And I remember my monkey mind and everybody has a monkey mind, right? There’s constantly 90,000 things going on, you know, what do I need to do with the kids? What do I need to do for that client? What do I need to do for my spouse? Like all these things that are happening right, and with the ability to connect with yourself and become more mindful, you can push those thoughts aside. It’s like building a muscle. And you will hear more from your clients than you ever heard before. And then you’re able to give them what they’re really looking for, and build the solution that they’re really desiring, versus having these things, interrupt your thought process and not be able to be present with them and not focus on what you’re doing. I actually have quite a few agents and advisors that have incorporated this into their, into their business. And it is incredible how much their revenue has increased, how much closer they are to their clients, have deeper connections and relationships with them, they’re able to identify clients that aren’t for them. You know, like, a lot of times before, I would do business with anybody, because if I’m making money, like that’s all that mattered. Now, what matters is do I feel good when I see your your number come up on my phone? Like, do I want to answer that call? Do I want to take that meeting? Like, does it feel good in my body. And so it’s like, it’s all about, like trusting your intuition, and really becoming aware of everything that’s happening around you. It’s more on an energetic level, right. And I know that’s probably really woo for a lot of people, but like, we are 100% energy. So, so tap into that, and listen to it, and really allow it to guide you. Because, you know, you could do business with somebody and make a lot of money. But if they frustrate you, they’re actually taking more time out of your day. Because you’re thinking about why you’re upset, you’re thinking about like all the things that they’ve done. And it’s like, just eliminate that, you know, and when you have like these really great experiences with people, and you have people that you love working with, then life just gets it just gets better. You know, because it’s not about the money, the money literally will come if you do what’s right for the right reasons. And also, if you’re happy, like that happy vibe, that energy is going to attract people to you. And so if you have people that you’re working with that are draining you that are making you unhappy, like that is the energy that you’re going to put out, you’re going to attract people like that, or you’re not going to track anything.
Brittany Anderson 17:27
Hey, Britney here, stopping and pausing for a moment to talk about something that we’ve had so many of you inquire about and that is our Ultimate Advisor Mastermind. Now, I’m going to start by saying if you are not a growth minded individual, if you are not somebody who’s focused on taking your business to the next level, if you’re not focused on engaging your team, and helping them to help you in turn, level up the business, the service model, how you provide that wow experience to clients. If those things are not your focus, just fast forward right now, because the Ultimate Advisor Mastermind would not then be for you. However, if you are looking to take your business to the next level, if you want to experience exponential growth and feel supported along the way, if you want to start working smarter and not harder, if you want to help your team members to work within the God given talents that they were provided, and use those skill sets in a way they haven’t yet to help support you and your business to help them realize their biggest goals, their biggest dreams. If you want creative approaches to marketing, I know that can be an intimidating word. But we’re not talking here about the fancy Facebook stuff or you know, the latest and greatest, but rather looking at how you can market what you do, how you can express how you’re different, and how you can truly differentiate yourself in a crowded market space. If those are problems you’re looking to solve, then you absolutely want to go check out ultimateadvisormastermind.com to learn more about how we can help you on your path and journey to growth. Yeah, you know, I think you bring up such a great point there. You know, we talked about this internally a lot. It’s exactly what you said, if you were looking at your phone, and you have a client calling in, are you excited to answer that? You know, you see their meeting coming up on the calendar and do you feel like oh my gosh, I know we are such a mutually good fit. And I know I’m gonna add a ton of value to them today. Yeah, I think for advisors, it’s interesting, actually, one of our Mastermind members just shared in our Facebook group recently, a story of kind of what he went through. So since joining the Mastermind, you know, one of his big focus items has been on exactly what you were just talking about. How do you say no to business that isn’t necessarily aligned with how you serve and at your highest value? And then how do you say no to them, while providing value at the same time so that there’s not this bad taste that’s left. And he walked through this scenario about how you know, he has gotten so in touch with who he’s most aligned with, that he ended up having a great conversation with this individual, he was able to provide some insight, but also able to redirect this person to another advisor, that might be better suited. Yeah, then what happens with that is, it’s a win for you, because you’re not taking on somebody that you know, is going to kind of keep you up at night, you’re also adding value, so you don’t have anything lingering any negative ill feeling. And I think that’s something especially for advisors, if you are going through maybe that early growth stage, you haven’t hit that seven figure production or revenue yet, it can be tough to turn down business, it can be really hard, because you have goals you want to meet, you have things you want to accomplish. And you know, turning down business can be tough. But I think this goes back to what you talked about with mindfulness, too. It’s kind of the adage of slowing down to speed up. Mm hmm. Yeah. And I think that sometimes, especially if there is somebody listening, that’s going, I don’t know about this meditation thing, I don’t know about a trip to Bali like all of that. But I think if you just sit here and think about, if you just sat and got completely in touch with what it is you actually want to be doing with your time, why you want to be doing and what your bigger vision is, it really helps you make decisions a lot easier and a lot faster to so you made a statement earlier, Stephani, that and this is was what your bio was about, but about changing from the inside out. So I think this is a good time to bring this up. Because you know, you’re on the topic of mindfulness, we’re talking about kind of being conscious of, of who you serve, and who you add value to. So can you talk a little bit about that?
Stephani Lucas 22:06
Yeah, so when we talk about changing from the inside out, it’s really like having a deep love for oneself, and having this incredible appreciation for who you are, and seeing your own self worth, and really valuing who you are, and understanding that you are so incredibly important. And so it’s like in the kind of food that you eat, the kind of music you listen to the kind of TV that you watch, basically, anything that goes into any of your holes is important, right? It’s really important. So yeah, really understanding that it starts with you, and a deep acceptance of oneself, right, and really, really embracing all of it. And our society, unfortunately, is constantly telling you, you’re not good enough, if you don’t have this, you’re not good enough, if you don’t look this way. And that is absolutely not fat, every human is beautiful in their own way. And if we could all just love ourselves and love everybody else. Like it would just be a beautiful world, right? Like, there wouldn’t be any of this competition, any of this not “enough-ness” and all of these things. And so, yeah.
Brittany Anderson 23:35
One of the premises of Ultimate Advisor Coaching, and we talked about this quite a bit in our Mastermind, is that we believe that every advisor has the right to define their own definition of success. And I think that’s a little bit of what you touched on there is that when you fully understand, embrace and embody what your strengths are, what really makes you you and what makes you unique. That also helps you gain clarity on what you want and what serves you. And I think about, you know, as you look into the future, and as you’re looking at who you aspire to be, you know, what we always say and we always try to help people embrace is that it’s okay to have mentors, you should have mentors. Oh, yeah, not have people that you look up to and that you admire, you know, especially people that have done the things that you actually want to do. But I like to use this adage that Bryan, one of our other Founders within Ultimate Advisor Coaching and the Founder of Sweet Financial, you know, he has built his business to be able to take 16 weeks away every year. And his business is not just surviving. I mean, our business is growing and thriving. And it’s because he’s realized where his strengths are. And he’s staying on his side of the line. And, you know, I know where my strengths lie, and I stay kind of in my where my area is. And same thing with our team. It’s empowering. It gives autonomy and I think it’s something to be said about creating a culture where your whole entire team within your financial planning business really embraces the notion that they are, you know, special if you want to say that it that way that they are unique in that they hold very specific strengths. And it’s helping your team and those around you and within yourself identify what those strengths are, and then capitalizing on them. And I think it goes back to what you said earlier, Stephani, to you about how, when you make decisions like that the business is going to come. And it’s going to come in a way that I think people don’t even realize, and it’s going to flow much more naturally, and it’s going to feel good, and it’s gonna feel a heck of a lot less like work. Now, on the polar end of the spectrum, from that I know, many successful advisors who eat sleep and breathe their business, now they take a trip, it’s with a client, if they go do something fun it is with a prospect, I mean, their whole entire business is built around that. And that’s what they love. And that’s what they want to do. And they want to be chained to the desk, because it’s really a sense of their identity. And that’s fine. And that’s okay. But if you’re looking at it from, you know, a growing advisor perspective thing, I want to achieve that success, but you don’t want to be handcuffed to your desk, and you don’t want to take vacations only with clients or only with prospects, well, then you’re modeling after somebody that isn’t aligned with who you are and what you want. So being able to be conscious of that is so important. So I want to pivot a little bit here, because you and I had a conversation previously around millennials. And I think this is an important one that we bring up in this conversation. Because a lot of what we’ve talked about today with identifying strengths, with you know, making sure that you’re really aligned with the work that you’re doing, making sure that you’re focusing on, I like to call it a healthy imbalance because there’s days where you ain’t gonna get a workout in. And there’s other days where you absolutely kill it when it comes to your health and your personal development and all of that. So the reason that I bring this up is that as we continue on this journey, whether you’re attracting new advisors, or new team members into your company, or you’re attracting new clients, Millennials are going to share a lot of the values that we’ve talked about today. So can you just talk a little bit about why working with millennials is going to be really important to a person’s practice going forward?
Stephani Lucas 27:24
Yeah, so there’s kind of like two reasons that, you know, Millennials are important to a business. One is employees, they are creative, they know how to do all of the social media, all of the technology, all of the things that maybe an agent or advisor, doesn’t know or doesn’t want to deal with, right? So they’ve grown up doing this stuff. And so to have somebody who’s younger, in your business is crucial for that, and then also for them to help to connect with the beneficiaries of your clients, right? So the millennial generation is going to be inheriting more money than any generation ever has. And if somebody has a successful practice, now, their clients, their beneficiaries are gonna be millennials for the most part, right? So if you’re not connecting with those people, now, when it’s time for them to inherit this money, it’s gonna leave your practice, whether it’s AUM, whether it’s, you know, the death benefit of a life policy, or an annuity, whatever. So it is absolutely crucial to make this demographic, at least a portion of your focus. And even having these clients bring them into conversations around what they’ve set up and making sure that they understand what policies are in place. And, you know, if there’s a trust, you know, how to access information and, and have these in depth conversations about finances with them, because they need to know this stuff, too. So.
Brittany Anderson 29:03
And, you know, there are I mean, I’m thinking here, there are entities out there, there’s businesses out there that are created in helping advisors to help their clients have that multi generational conversation. Yeah, and I think that’s really important to embrace as a key takeaway from today is if you don’t have some sort of multi generational meeting plan in place, it’s not just important for your business, it’s essential, that connection to the next generation, for asset retention for relationship building. I mean, one of the biggest things that we see in our industry examples of time and time again, you can’t just cold call anymore. Like Yes, there’s different marketing tactics that you can do. And yes, there are certain circumstances where maybe you’ll get lucky and that might work. But we’re in the business of relationships, and that’s going to continue to be the case and that’s going to continue to evolve. And I think helping as an advisor listening to this, if one of your, I guess goals or core areas of focus coming out of listening to this podcast going into the rest of the year, you know the rest of your quarter, wherever you’re at when you’re listening to this, if you make one core focus, just being able to talk legacy, talk continuity with your clients talk about what they want their money to do for the next generation. And the generation after that, you know, I think that even aside from millennials, and being able to help be strategic in this new environment, I mean, my goodness coming out of the pandemic, there’s so much opportunity to be had in the online space, because everybody’s plugged in. I mean, if you think about, there’s never been a time in history, where so many people are plugged into media outlets, because if we’ve wanted to stay in touch, we’ve had to, you have to embrace it. So I mean, for those that have realized the opportunity in that those are the advisors who whose businesses are just growing exponentially, and they’re serving at a whole entirely new level, you know, versus those that have maybe gone into a scarcity mindset, not understanding where their value lies, and then opportunity has escaped. So I think these concepts in general, are just so so important. So Stephani, if you could give one piece of advice to a successful driven advisor, what would that piece of advice be?
Stephani Lucas 31:23
I would really encourage people to think about how they’re servicing their clients and being so much more service oriented. And really get away from this hard sell, you know, way that people are taught, like, people want service, and they’re going to demand it, especially after what’s happened with the pandemic, people are their behaviors changing. And service, unfortunately, in our country is not great in all aspects, right. And so if you can do that, you will capitalize because people want service, they do not want this, these hard sales tactics, they don’t want to be manipulated. They want to be told the truth, and they want to be taken care of. And so you know, these are the people that are going to be very successful.
Brittany Anderson 32:12
Absolutely. And I think that’s a message that we talk about a lot throughout the podcast, and our Mastermind, you know, pretty much in any level of our coaching is that you have to lead with value. And if you’re not willing to do that, that’s why things is as simple as you know, having a differentiated website, having a presence out there. That’s more than just product focused. I mean, yes, in reading your bio, and introducing you today. Yeah, we’ve mentioned life insurance annuity. And but you notice, we don’t talk about any of that stuff. And we’re not talking about the products that are out there. It’s all about service. It’s about experience. It’s about leaning into what you want for your future for your vision as an advisor, and then building your your presence, your business around that. You know, what’s the adage, I was just thinking, as you were talking before, you know, the importance of building your business around your life versus your life around your business. Yeah. And I think that’s a lot of when you think about being mindful when you think about kind of slowing down or even the concept of your heart centered planning. I think that’s a lot of what it is, it’s really understanding that you have to be a whole individual and a rounded individual in order to be impactful to your clients. Yeah. So to round us out, this is a question that I often ask people that we interview, What haven’t I asked you that I should have?
Stephani Lucas 33:34
Oh, wow. I wish I knew you were going to ask me this.
Brittany Anderson 33:40
That’s what I should have asked you.
Stephani Lucas 33:44
Well, I just think that there’s so much opportunity for people to be in service here. And maybe there’s some information that I’ve got available. Putting me on the spot, Brittany, geez.
Brittany Anderson 34:00
Keeping you on your toes, you know, and if there’s something, Stephani to that, how can people get a hold of you? How can they access you? I think that’s an important one to drive home. Because I think the way you do business is just so interesting. And I know that there’s going to be members of our audience that are wanting to get some more.
Stephani Lucas 34:19
Yeah. So my website, the annuityconsultants.com. And then we’re also on all of the social media, so huge on LinkedIn, or on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube. That’s one thing you didn’t ask me about is like, what areas are we really focusing on to get in front of people? And I would say that right now in our space, Instagram and YouTube are just so underutilized. Facebook is just super saturated. If you’re looking really to connect with millennials as well, like those two outlets are like huge. So that’s, yeah, marketing. You didn’t ask me about marketing.
Brittany Anderson 34:59
I like it. I think that’s interesting too, because we talk a lot about marketing in general, and about where your clients live and what space they’re in. And you know, I think Facebook is great, because you know, if your focus is on retirees, pre retirees, again, you’ve got grandma and grandpa that are on Facebook now that are connected and wanting to stay in touch with their grandkids and see the pictures and all of that. So I think there’s space there. But if you’re looking for heavier advertising, and really niching down, I mean, I think you’re dead on YouTube especially, getting on video. I mean, our industry in general is built on trust. And there’s something to be said about being able to see somebody’s face when they’re talking, you know, versus just some proverbial ad out there. Some billboard that sits out in space, right people to have somebody understand, hear your voice, see your mannerisms. Still, if you’re in congruencey or not, I think that brings up a great point. So see, I knew you had something, I knew I wouldn’t throw you off too bad.
Stephani Lucas 35:03
Brittany Anderson 35:06
Well, Stephani, thank you so much for being on today’s podcast episode. We really appreciate you being here with us.
Stephani Lucas 36:09
Oh, it’s such a pleasure. And it’s an honor to be here. And thank you. Thank you for having me.
Brittany Anderson 36:14
Absolutely. Well, that wraps up today’s episode of your Ultimate Advisor podcast. We will catch you right back here next week. Hey there, Brittany Anderson here. If you are loving what you’re hearing on our Ultimate Advisor podcast, don’t keep us a secret. Share us with other advisors that you think would benefit from the messages that you are hearing. The easiest way to do that is to simply send them to ultimateadvisorpodcast.com. And if you want to learn a few other ways that we could potentially serve you as an advisor, go check out ultimateadvisormastermind.com. As always, we are so happy to have you here with us as part of the Ultimate Advisor community and we look forward to a continued relationship.